Sunday, October 19, 2003

I am an idiot.... and when Mo and i are together... we really seriously need adult supervision. We went to this bar in Savannah.... we met this guy there and he taught us how to play pool... I suck at pool so bad... it is not even funny. The drunker you get... the more inclined you are to end up in very very bad after school movie kinda situations. Thankfully we are both alive. :) Honestly, we are dumb asses and very very VERY lucky to be alive!

We drank like it was going out of style... we drank PBR. Massive amounts of PBR. We got seriously trashed. Thursday night, Mo played Rush Hour with me... we got relatively wasted. Friday night.... there was no limit to our intoxication. It was an amazing weekend. I have missed Mo so much... I cant even express how great of a time I had.


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