Friday, June 11, 2004

I love how people use the guise of the truth to say awful, mean, hurtful things. They really think that as long as they are speaking what they believe to be the truth, that they can say anything awful under that context and it is valid. It isn't. These are days when I revert back to the question "Does he/she come from good breeding?". Not that I am usually one to be this much of a snoot... but social graces do not fall far from the tree.... or shrub in some people's case.

Also.... please realize that there is a difference in OPINION and TRUTH. Your opinion, if it is clearly mean spirited and just an awful thing to say... why say it? Are you really that miserable... that you have to try and make others miserable as well?

Oh well.

I am a happy person... i cant help it... I have a good life, a fun life... and overall... a really really great time. so, bite me! :) lmfao


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