Tuesday, June 15, 2004

So here is the report on the job front:

I am an in line for a personal interview for a job in Savannah. I have already had a phone interview, and it went well, etc. So, I am facing the reality of moving to Savannah... so that is exciting. But the down side is this: I LOVE Columbia. I have wonderful friends here, precious people to molest here, and the list goes on. The only problem is that I dont have a job here. well, I have the prospect of a job, but the reality of it is not certain. My boss is trying to create a position for me here at USC. So, we have to rely on the position being created, me getting it, and the salary being comparable to the job in Savannah. a lot of "ifs". Very confused.

...but the bars and the beach of savannah.... ohhh yeah!


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