Thursday, May 27, 2004

Check it out now.... funk soul brother... There, you can see all the updates and pics from "The Gopher". I have to admit that this whole thing is an awful lot of fun... and I am starting to really love my nickname. Being "Whif" just ain't half bad!

Gopher Office Olympics:

Round 1: "Typing": I have to admit that I had the upperhand here. Typing professionally for over a year now, I have to say that I had what it took. I mean, the time saver really is in refusing to use the mouse... Cntrl commands are real time savers. I came in first.

Round 2: "T-Shirt Folding": This was a tough one. We folded 93.5 T-shirts to make sure that the logo was effectively displayed. i came in 2nd.

Round 3: "Van Loading and Unloading": We basically unloaded and reloaded the van. It was timed. Lemme won on time. I was very gentle with the equipment. :) I came in 2nd.

This is too much fun. lol.


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