Friday, May 14, 2004

These times.... they are a-changin..

I am in an odd mood. Randy came in today! Once again, my heart soars. lol. Having two perverted people in a small space at one time,... even when nothing happens.... the room is still gonna smell like sex. :)

I am an absolute sweetheart. Eric "Woodrow" had mentioned that he loved a certain kind of OldSchool Rootbeer. "Frostie with a Santa Claus on the bottle". So, yours truly found some of it. If that doesnt entitle me to shed any shred of a "bitch" title, I dunno what does.

93.5 is having their version of Donald Trump's "The Apprentice". It is called "The Gopher", and I am seriously gonna apply. We will see if I get selected. One can only hope lol. It would be fun to just do random things. Random things usually do make me happy.


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