Tuesday, May 04, 2004

The sad fact of academia: when you have done well in a class... so well in fact, that you can utterly bomb the final and still do relatively well in the course... you get to this state where you don't care anymore. You are not concerningw ith furthering your knowledge and your real interest in the subject matter has dried up. All you want to do is be done. It is senioritis at its best.

I have done great in german this semester.... due in large part to Jeff. But as I sit down to study for the final.... I knwo that I dont know the material.... and the oddest feeling hits the pit of my stomach.... I utterly dont care. I know a little of this and even less of that,..... not enough to mirror the fact that I actually attended most of the classes.

The funny thing is.... everyone I am talking to these days is in the same boat. "Just get the exams over with! I dont care how I do!". Sometimes, caring isnt worth it. You just need to relax.... in the grand scheme of things... it really doesnt matter. In ten years I am not gonn be shitting stones because of my grade in German 109. :) Besides, I cna afford to make like a 50 on this exam! :)

Congrats to all the graduates. Best wishes.

Book you need to read: Turd Ferguson and the Sausage party by Ben Applebaum and Derek Pittman.


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