Thursday, July 01, 2004

Dammit: CLICK HERE I am such a heifer!

The internet is a wonderful thing... it keeps me from ramming a jumbo paperclip into my neck. I am so damn bored. My job is almost over (last day = the ninth), I get off today in 3 hours, my stomach hurts, my back hurts, I cleaned a fucking toilet on my lunch break, I am still emotionally devoid of action, still play with boys but dont love them, except maybe one - but i will never tell him how I feel... and we know this -- cause I am a big dork like that. So here I am not even 23... and feeling like a "has been". I feel like the blonde cheerleader in HS who gets knocked up her senior year, goes to community college, ends up a cosmetologist and wonders where her glory days went. My college days have been really freakin legendary... i had an amazing time... I hope that it umm.. you know, CONTINUES! lol.


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