The center displays are overflowing with the latest trends: vampire novels and political tell-alls. I love to hate the complete gift sets.... the easy way to own every book in a series. That seems like a cheaters way of doing things. I am in love with several series of books. Three to be exact. Well, maybe 4. :) When you invest yourself in a series, you have the thrill of the book itself, the agony of the months you must wait before the next volume is in print, the sense of victory when you track down a bookstore that still has a copy available (because I will not stoop to preordering... it's like hunting on a baited field). When you buy the entire series all at once, you lose some of what it is that you love about the whole experience.
Case in point: I remember going with Hollie to Savannah to get our hands on the new JR Ward book (Vampire porn I admit) the day it came out. This was 3 books ago. Sadly, she wrote this Guide to the Brotherhood book that totally blew and I own the last book in the series, but I haven't had the heart to read it, fearing it will suck as much as the Guide did, thus killing my desire to read and ultimately my will to live (wow - I have been watching a lot of melodramas lately).
But I digress... I was talking about moving into BaM and why I love that store. There are so many wonderful books there, I could spend hours..... but a thought hits me right before I steel myself enough to leave.... a great many of those books will suck. They will inevitably end up in the discount bin and then the remaining few copies will either end up as firestarters in the third world or as props to help level tables in the homes of people whose floors have received some sort of water damage. That must be a horrible life.
So, I walked out of there with a book as a gift for myself and one for someone else. It's hard to pass up David Sedaris. He is genius :)
And I know that we are all supposed to be wearing recycled shoes and driving alternative fuel vehicles while sorting our paper, glass, and plastic to be recycled while buying locally for small businesses and avoiding the big chain stores, but WalMart.... oh where for art thou WalMart? How could I have forgotten that your flourescently lighted aisles and employees running their "zone defense" could save me almost half? Ah, the agony....
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