Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Weekend = Wonderful.

We went to the AIDS benefit Saturday night. Then to the afterparty. A phone call went like this...

him: "Hey where you at?
me: "at the AIDS party"
him: "Word of advice, dont hookup with ANYONE from the party"

We got really trashed... new favorite words "open bar".
I ended up getting drunk-wounded. See, as it happens.... mulch can become imbedded in your foot,.... when this happens and you are drunk.... you may not feel it and go dancing in five points anyway. The next morning.... your foot is as large as a loaf of bread and painful. So you will spend all day Saturday repairing the foot.

Thursday is our field day. There will be puddin wrasslin.

I have tried on my cap and gown. :)

And for my favorite profile checker: "You rock, Seth!"
There is a river called the "Ashipoo" That makes me so happy I cant even begin to explain it. :)


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