Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Well, where do I begin? A lot has happened since the start of the year.

First, dad went into the hospital. He was there for a week. He has CHF. He is doing marvelously. His doctors were just fantastic. God Bless University Hospital in Augusta, Ga. He is on a low sodium diabetic diet and he is extremely compliant. I am really proud of him. :) It is absolutely terrifying to see a parent in the hospital, especially when you dont have a great track record of parents making it out of the hospital alive.

He came to stay with me for two weeks after he was released from the hospital. Which leads me to Big News Item Numero Dos. I moved.... FINALLY to run the Lodge. It's all I thought it would be. It's a lot of fun. I get 40 hours of vacation time a week. I have taken ummm around 3 hours so far lol. It's a lot of fun.

Life is going really well right now. :) Every day is a good day :)


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