Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Two little kids were on the playground... and one unintentionally tripped the other one. And when he stood up, his knees were bruised and scratched. He was hurt, and he was angry. So, while they are trying to be friends, and under that guise of friendship, he grabs a stick and just keeps hitting the kid that had unintentionally tripped him. HE enjoyed every smack of the stick against the skin..... and his aim was to hurt, and he was succeeding. So the first kid apoloigizes for ever having tripped him... and he keeps hitting her with that stick.... and enjoying it. ANd the first kid, she gets up off the ground and she brushes the dirt from her clothes, and she looks at the bruises from the stick... the ones he intetnionally put there, and she realizes that even though she tripped the other kid... she doesnt deserve this.... no one does. She looks at the other kid... saddened, and then she walks away.... muttering under her breath "well, I hope u feel better now".

I am sorry that I tripped you....


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