Friday, July 02, 2004

Randy Rollings -our very own computer services sex pot- was just in the office. I know every time I mention him, anyone reading this has to fight back an orgasm...imagine what I go through just typing it. ;) He was in the office for a bit today.... while my heart was saying "Leap over that desk and take advantage of that boy.... why else would that rug be there...", my mind was saying, "Leap over that desk and---- no, no, no, breathe, breathe, counseling... 12 steps, say, "Hi. Randy. How are you. My name is Ashlyn, and I am a receptionist... not a nympho.". hahaha but anyway.. I did invite the lil shit to come drink with us this weekend... but he is scared ;). I can so drink him under the table. Hell, I can drink Ted Kennedy under the table. ;)

Partying this Saturday... the Boodowski will be there... the Crystal will be there. The Moceefus will be there, and a shitload of alcohol will be there. :)


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