Tuesday, October 07, 2008

So I am now totally infatuated with Carrie Bradshaw's new apartment. Well, it's her old apartment, but it has been redecorated. I concede, I am a Sex and the City purist, but I must admit, I loved the new look. At first, well, at first I was like "WTF Man!!!" It just wasn't Carrie, but then I had to realize that it would be kinda sad for a 40 year old to be living in that same shabby chic home with flea market finds. Not that that is so bad, necessarily - I mean, I LOVED the original apartment..... it was like the fabulous vintage labels that Carrie would hunt for and then make it seem new..... but the new look - oh, it's just so fabulous.

Ah... hmf..... let's see... not much else has been going on. I've been working... same ole same ole... you know the drill. :)

It's only Tuesday.... and I'm already desperate for the weekend to get here. :)


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