Friday, September 19, 2003

So last night ---- history book material... swear. I fake vomitted for Stef... it was great. Skipper once again managed to keep me awake until wee hours (am at work now and have yet to go to bed.... wont nap until like after 5pm), I had buddha speak with the pride of Carolina (our very own number 76), I called a DJ (as per usual), I drank the JOOICE. Man, what a night. I kinda wish I was in my bed all snug and curled up and blissfully off in a land where thoughts morph into something better, alarm clocks have some harmony, and the Maxim jokes never cease. It was a good night and a good morning and I am beginning to believe that all is right in the world. Not to mention some fun fun fun messages on my phone.

today ahs the potential to be a very good day indeed :)


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