Friday, November 07, 2003


Randy being the utter sweet heart that he is went on the quest to the first floor for orange paper. When he came back with a nice selection, we chose the perfect "Columbia City Parking Ticket" shade of an almost blazen orange with subtle sienna undertones. I cut a nice little rectangle of the paper and went and trotted down to his car to put the ticket on it. Needless to say, when Eric looked out of the fourth floor window at his car below... he was pissed... "that fucker!" he was so mad. he even went so far as to speak of the meter reader saying, "He is targeting me!" God it was frikkin hillarious. So when he finally goes out to his car, I am glued to the window and he snatches up his ticket, flips it over and reads "ha ha ha" and then turns around, looks up at me, and flips me off repeatedly. It was great. I was laughing so hard Miss Annette came over. funny funny stuff.

:) Erics last words to me "have a good weekend, bitch" :)


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