Friday, February 13, 2004

To get all lovey-dovey for Valentines Day:

Here is my ideal:
29- 39 yr old White male. not a wimp. not a wussy. no baggage. not fucked up in the head. emotionally secure. confident. Personally, very secure and sure of himself. kind. fun. NOT an asshole. conservative-- yet discrete tatoos and piercings welcome. ambition necessary. Great musical taste preferred. Impecable table manners required. there.... Oh no wait.. not done yet... must be self-sufficient, nice job, established, etc.

But here is the reality... as of late....
....not exactly what I am looking for....

I am more of a realist than a cynic and I think that is a good place to be. I sit in the middle of a pool of friends offering advice as to who to see or who to call back. In the middle of it, I just sort of listen and take it all in.... then make a decision all my own.


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