Thursday, September 30, 2004

Seth: cover your eyes. I repeat, do not read this!!! *I finally set my toe today so I wouldn't have a deformed foot for the rest of my life* OK, you can uncover your eyes now, doll. Seth is tired of hearing about my toe. He has no sympathy for me, but I listened to him go on and on about his penis implant. :)

My brother is shopping for an engagement ring. :) Cassie, his gf is fab-o. I absolutely love her. They have already booked and paid for the honeymoon on June 5, so they plan to get married on either june 3 or 4. How exciting! I am gonna be an aunt! yay!

The great debate: Bush is so hot. rawwwr.

I was looking at the SC Sex Offender Registry today. Not that I was looking for a man or anything.... most sex offenders are ass ugly.... but I noticed... most of them have a gimp eye. Seriously.... like 80 percent. look around on the site... you will be surprised. I dont know what it means.... maybe a shrunken eye or lack of an eye makes you feel like touching a kid. Who knows. Note to self: look for pic of Michael Jackson online.

I ordered my Halloween costume online tonight. I am gonna be a nun this year. Oh yes indeedy do! Fabulous!

:) Goodnight moon.


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