Sunday, October 10, 2004

I was in Wal*Mart last night. In an attempt to purchase a big ass bag of Splenda, I was on the baking aisle. There was a woman there with her little girl. She was buying everything she needed to make a Spiderman birthday cake. I know this because Supermom was telling me the whole story about how she couldn't find black icing. "And how can you make a web on a Spiderman cake without black icing?" Well, then she was looking for plain white icing. Her daughter found a tub of classic white Pillsbury icing. The mother snapped, with an air of authority, I might add, "No. That is Pillsbury. I ONLY buy Betty Crocker! If I used that, everyone would be wondering what had happened to my cake!"

Clearly, for but a fleeting moment, I felt I was in the presence of Martha Stewart herself. I mean come on, people.... When it gets to the point where your family is full of cake mix connoisseurs, you just need to give up the goat. I bet her recipe for homemade chocolate chip cookies is as follows:

1. Buy a bag of chips ahoy
2. open them
3. put them on a plate
4. pass them off as homemade.


At 6:17 AM, Blogger REFLEX said...

The simplest home made food ever done. Fascinated by ur recipe ;). Why not u read the comments and reply to that if u have time and if u dont mind, so that I can know that u r reading comments too than just blogging without minding abt comments ?. Anyway its my opinon again. You can take it or ignore it. Keep up the good job of blogging as u r doing it well.


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