Saturday, October 02, 2004

Tonight... I sat down and really did the math... and since i was working with small numbers, it didnt take very long. That's right, I was figuring up my salary and expenses, etc. Sadly, the salary is really small - honestly about half of what a college grad should see, and all this is without benefits. So, I put out some resumes online tonight. GREAT way to spend a Saturday. Then my mother started pissing me off. She was asking me where all I applied for jobs. I was like well... Cali, Florida, Virginia, Georgia. She was like "Well, you dont need to go so far away blah blah blah". She was joking, as is her nature... but it got so old. After I had heard that shit about 10 times I got sassy. "Well, mother. I will go wherever I can get a job. I need a good job, dammit." Whenever you can throw a sassy "dammit" into the mix, it works. Ahh who knows... maybe one day soon, I will have a real job and a real salary with benefits. :( I like what I am doing now, but can see my expendability.


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