You can only browse this wicked web of porn so long before seeing pictures of someone you know having sex. Today, was that day for me. It is an odd, odd feeling when porn hits close to home.
Sunday, October 10, 2004
The Days in the Life of a USC Undergrad.
About Me
- Name: Ashlyn
- Location: Varnville, South Carolina, United States
I am your average 26 year old retard who desperately believes that deep down, there is good in all people. I am trying to find my place in this world... and I have no idea if I am even close. My goal is to be happy - and I am getting there - slowly, but surely.... I think.
Previous Posts
- I was in Wal*Mart last night. In an attempt to pur...
- I kept my appointment with Dr. Welcker yesterday. ...
- "Laws of Attraction" is a really cute movie. I jus...
- Seth [3:16 PM]: she was playing with the lock on...
- Tonight... I sat down and really did the math... a...
- "I like Pink. Pink is my signature color ". Budd...
- Seth: cover your eyes. I repeat, do not read this!...
- I am fucking tired. This whole "getting up before ...
- Did i mention that late last night - I broke my pi...
- I spoke to an ex online today. He actually told me...
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