Saturday, November 27, 2004

Today was a good day.... but let me start with last night. Last night - we had a blast.

We started on two bottles of wine. We sent out for two more.... and yet again we had to send out for more wine. Ahh, what an evening. The only part I even regret remotely was the fact that the drunk dials of cell phone roulette starting coming out. Let me just say.... A TON of calls were made from my phone last night. I only made 4 of them. LMFAO. niiice. Oh dear. I have received several calls today from peeps asking for explanations. I can only offer one : merlot.

Oh and Crystal - for real, hang your head in shame for being a poo-nah-nah. ;)

Today - Today we went shopping with Larry, Cassie, and the kids. It was tons of fun... and besides, everyone knows how I like to shop.

But on a greater level, I have to ask this question. In the whirlwind of our lives.... why do we end up feeling inconsequential? When all of this glitz and glam is spinning all around us... why is it that we allow ourselves to become insignificant? Now, granted, I know some people with ego complexes. They think they are too important or really havent got a handle on their actual station in life.... but on the whole, I have noticed that many of us let ourselves fall to the wayside. And even when we havent fallen... we convince ourselves that we have. I dunno... odd condition..


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