Sunday, February 26, 2006

So she went to fuck him goodbye. I like how, as girls, we have the ability to do that... we can fuck someone goodbye and guys cant. If a guy does the one last fuck for old times sake before breaking up, he is an asshole... and it mars his rep forever. If a girl jumps in dick first for one last roll in the sheets before leaving.... its acceptable... like a sneak attack or something. I like that. So, she went to fuck him goodbye... but, I have a feeling... since she is more of an emotional girl than not... this wont be goodbye... just a new sort of beginning... beginning of what, i cant tell you and she probably cant either... mainly because we are girls and dicks have a way of confusing us.. but this wont be the fuck him goodbye she was hoping for.... this will be more like fucking him hello.

So... I need ass.... I havent been laid since Monday... and oh what a monday it was.... but come on... that was a week ago. Am I a sex addict? No. That requires diagnosis... I prefer to think of myself in terms of Mr. Therapist: I am a heavy participant of recreational sex. I like that.


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