Monday, March 27, 2006

So this depression thing is getting well... depressing. I need to perk it the fuck up. I am finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel... and as far as I can tell... that translates into moving back to South Carolina. When? most likely soon, I should say. A month? maybe more maybe less... I really dont know. Whatever it takes to get my life on track.

Things are looking up... I didnt think that was possible for a while... but I am getting better. I dont think that anyone can understand what it is like to lose someone that you love.... the way that i love my mother unless you have been there.... my ex boyfriend Jack has been there. He lost his Dad this year... and I like talking to him for a lot of reasons, one of which is that more than most, he understands what I am going through.

I like to think that I am one tough cookie and a lot of the time, I think that I am.... but there are moments when I crumble faster that you can imagine, but I am a big fan of picking up the pieces and moving on.


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