Friday, October 15, 2004

I honestly and fervently believe that everything happens for a reason. Not that I think our course is completely predestined.... but I do believe that the events that mold us and shape us... and at the very least affect us - were meant to happen --- all just a part of some great plan. Even when I have days where I am depressed and I question my career future and going back to school.... I still know that the right thing for me will happen.... it is just a matter of time. This sounds odd - sense I do have a tendency for being cynical. But imagine - a busy day at work, where you are face to face with the realization that you need to go back to school because this is, more than anything, what you want to do... and you want it so bad, it hurts. So you look at education options and timelines and you realize - this may never happen. So, you are depressed. Then you are with your parents at an auction - not exactly the one place in this whole world you are dying to be -- and you get a call from the one person you really wanted to talk to.

It is a funny little life I lead - filled with checks and balances. Nothing gets too bad. Sure, there are the little quirks and downsides.... but then there are those little affirmations that God is on your side --- or at the very least, has a great sense of humor.


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