Friday, June 03, 2005

So..... Melissa's wedding is approaching quickly to say the least. Rehearsal is tonight. What fun! I bought Mo a precious gift that I hope she loves and I got Ray something that I think he will like as well. We went to the nail salon and had manicures and pedicures last night. And I will say this.... the gut could have stopped and put on some deodorant and I would not have been upset with him.... at all. So I am french -tippin it on the fingers and toes.

We went over to Rays last night and we were practicing dancing. I was teaching Melissa and Ray how to shag and do a basic waltz box step and promenade. It was fun. My Middle name is DeQwan. If you are a Napoleon Dynamite fan - u will appreciate that. I think the movie was ummm ok. I actually apologized for bringing it over for friends to watch - not a cinematic legend or anything.

So tonightis the rehearsal and that will be fun. First though I have a busy day ahead of me... I have all day off just to go shop for an outift for tonight... and maybe some cute new shoes and I need to go to the bank at 2 to meet thre funeral director... and I need to call the preacher back and confirm on the church. ... and I need to clean the spare room too. And Larry, Cassie and the kids are coming over for lunch.... so wow I have like 5 hours to get everything done.... yowza!

I will be rushed.... but I can do it. :)

Hope everyone has a marvelous weekend.


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