Sunday, February 02, 2003

beautiful people amaze me. I just saw someone walk in.... and head straight for the elevator... he was gorgeous. Like the kind of perfection where you know you are going to have to stare and stare and stare until you see a flaw.... but in all honesty... the flaw are probably more surface level than one might think... well, one who dwells on flaws anyway.

I am so bored and I am sitting here at work. I am looking at the lipstck residue on my diet coke can. Its like a modern fossil or something. I am sleepy. I would love to curl up in mu bed and mass of pillows for a quick nap. I can't ... i am gonan be so busy tonight. After work, I have a meeting tonight.

Here is my thought for the day:
You have to set yourself on fire all the time. Motivate yourself to do things. For Seth, I am sure this takes on a different meaning ;). Your heart and your head talk to you all of the time, and you have to be willing to listen. Once you have intercepted that conversation, you must set yourself on fire..... do something about it. If you do, you get comfortable,you get stable, and you never get out. The heart is an odd thing ... it wants what it wants,,,,, it holds on to the past and embraces the present and the future all at once. It heart holds no grudges.... the head does. It is a balancing act of sorts. The heart leaps and looks later.... the heart bends and shapes you.... and breaks you.


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