Sunday, March 02, 2003

Apparently, today i am pissy. I am pissy because i used the word cute instead of the word precious? Makes no sense to me either. So, just for some general knowledge, here goes:
cute, adj. delightfully pretty dainty. 2. obviously contrived to charm; precious. 3.shrewd, clever.
precious, adj. oh high cost or worth. 2. Highly esteeemed, cherished. 3. dear; beloved. 4. Affectedly dainty or refined.

As you can see, The American Heritage Dictionary (2nd college edition) and i agree here. cute can be substituted for precious without the bat of an eyelash.

See.... now that is what makes me pissy.

am still sick and supposed to see a doctor toorrow if my headache n fever are still here. Lucky me! Buddha is such a douchebag right now... i keep getting her voicemail. Not a happy girl on account of that. My parents are great and so is Buster... he is such a little fat ass... i love him... I really do adore that damn cat.

Well. I am gonan run now... so i cna be pissy and reak havoc on the world elsewhere.


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