Monday, January 31, 2005

I have said it many times before, but I will say it again.... my friends are wonderful, amazing, truly awesome people. As I stare at my hand that still (despite numerous showers, alcohol, and nail polish remover) bears the marks of a sharpie, I am reminded of a weekend filled with laughter and love. My mind instantly wanders back to Gracy's. Sitting at the table next to the window, the Tacoma with 13 cup holders, the fingerless guitar player, the stories, the drinks, the absolute love.

We meet so many people in the course of our lives, but only a true random sprinkling are so phenomenal that you know your life will never be the same without them. We will change jobs, change lovers, change status. and income. Our objectives will shift, our paradigms will adjust, our cars will be upgraded, and our hearts will be full, broken, and rebuilt. That is the promise of the future. But to me, the greatest promise of the future - the absolute greatest one of all is the simple fact that my friends will be with me making and shaping the very fabric of my life.

So, to those that were with me this weekend... Randy, Seth, Buddha, and Nick - I Love yall!

*Randy attempted to soak the alcohol out of his body.
*Seth forgot we went to BarNone
*Buddha spewed at 8:30 am
*Some nights are just THAT wonderful.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Randy's quote said it best, "here's to the nights we'll never remember with the friends we'll never forget". 'nuff said. great night.