Wednesday, June 14, 2006

so i am off work and headed home..... just wanted to semi-update for a bit... but seriously.. not much has gone on since I updated last. Jodi and I still love Vincent - but we havent seen him in days. We drank a lil wine last night after work... I love spending time with Jodi he is so funny. we are so Will n Grace. :) except our Jack is in Tennessee.

I am getting all my shit straight to get into school in the fall. That is still the plan. Hope all is well in your world. :)

I say "what's shakin bacon? instead oh whats up? now~ I am getting retarded.

Dr.Coleman asked "Why cant we keep KY around here?" I said, :Because April keeps taking it home with her". He said "Im not even gonna tell April u said that!" :) fun times!
