Friday, February 13, 2004

To get all lovey-dovey for Valentines Day:

Here is my ideal:
29- 39 yr old White male. not a wimp. not a wussy. no baggage. not fucked up in the head. emotionally secure. confident. Personally, very secure and sure of himself. kind. fun. NOT an asshole. conservative-- yet discrete tatoos and piercings welcome. ambition necessary. Great musical taste preferred. Impecable table manners required. there.... Oh no wait.. not done yet... must be self-sufficient, nice job, established, etc.

But here is the reality... as of late....
....not exactly what I am looking for....

I am more of a realist than a cynic and I think that is a good place to be. I sit in the middle of a pool of friends offering advice as to who to see or who to call back. In the middle of it, I just sort of listen and take it all in.... then make a decision all my own.

50,000 dollars.... and I can have my masters in a year... hmmmm worth it?

I keep meaning to update this thing on a more regular (daily) basis,,, but this week was so busy.... it is like I am stuck on a Friday update routine. I am at work.... drinking a Diet Coke and eating some seriously hot ass pork rinds. The Mexican phrase "chicarrones" sounds better.

So today is friday the 13th! woo hoo. There should be some good scary movies on tonight. Not to mention the fact that tomorrow is Valentines Day. How much to you want to bet there will be like a "Valentines Day Massacre" theme for the movies tonight.

Ahh yes... Valentines. Smile.